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J.P. Kilgrave, MD, MS

Physician. Neuroscientist. Educator. Writer. Analyst. Forever learner and seeker of the truth.

Science is FUN. FUN, damn it.

A place where the wonder of discovery is unfettered by the bottom line.

J. Robert Oppenheimer

Scientific Freedom

"It is not possible to be a scientist unless you believe that it is good to learn. It is not good to be a scientist, and it is not possible, unless you think that it is of the highest value to share your knowledge, to share it with anyone who is interested. It is not possible to be a scientist unless you believe that the knowledge of the world, and the power which this gives, is a thing which is of intrinsic value to humanity, and that you are using it to help in the spread of knowledge, and are willing to take the consequences."

"I think that we have no hope at all if we yield in our belief in the value of science, in the good that it can be to the world to know about reality, about nature, to attain a gradually greater and greater control of nature, to learn, to teach, to understand. I think that if we lose our faith in this we stop being scientists, we sell out our heritage, we lose what we have most of value for this time of crisis."

Make Science Great Again

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